Privacy Policy

Under the Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998, we must comply with certain regulations which are designed to ensure that any data you provide to us is processed with due care and attention.

We collect personal data about you to help in carrying out our responsibilities in delivering Salesforce solutions, or quotes for potential solutions at your request. This data consists of information such as your name and contact details.

By using this website and by registering your details with us, you consent to our collecting and processing sensitive personal data supplied by you and not disclosing this information to any third party organisations, unless required to do so by law. We do not pass on any of your personal data to outside organisations and/or individuals without this consent.

Sandyx does not capture and store any personal information about individuals who access this web site, except where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details via phone call, email or the completion of on-line forms. In these cases, the personal information you give us is used exclusively by Sandyx for the purposes of contacting you, and/or delivering services to you at your request.

Sandyx hold personal data in a secure database, which is only accessible by authorised Sandyx personnel, and only a subset of those users will have access to your data, if they have a need to view that data – for example your Account Manager, or support personnel who need to contact you as part of their support services.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:

  – Your Consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by emailing
  – We have contractual obligation.
  – We have a legal obligation

You have a right to know about the personal information Sandyx holds about you. You also have a right to have your data corrected or deleted. Please address all your requests and/or queries about our Data Protection policy to:

Mashukul Hoque
Sandyx CS Ltd.
4 Quays Reach,
Caroline Way,
M50 2ZY

or by emailing Sandyx on:

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